Purity Balls
One word. WHY?!?!?!? WHY DO THESE EXIST?!?!? For those of you who don't know, Purity Balls are father/daughter dances but with a creepy twist.
Allow me to explain; daughters (mostly starting at ages 6-7) dress in white ballgowns and attend these Purity Balls with their fathers. The girls then dance ballet around a room full of large wooden crosses and finally, for the main event, promise their VIRGINITY to their FATHERS! I kid you not, young and adolescent girls promise their fathers that they will abstain from sex until they are married. Along with this promise, girls give their fathers a little pink box to symbolize their virginity. (Can it be any more obvious?)
Now fathers, too, get a role in these balls. Besides getting to hear what every father wants to hear, they too must make a pledge to their daughters. Fathers must pledge to cover their daughters from anything that might risk the loss of virginity before marriage. The daughters also receive a gift from their fathers. This gift is a necklace with a lock and key charm. The daughter, however, only gets the lock while the father holds on to the key until the day he can give it to his new son-in-law.
So not only does the father basically own his daughter's virginity like property, but his daughter is letting him! We have basically traveled back in time to when girls were sold for livestock!
But don't worry, it's not like these still go on today, right? WRONG! Purity Balls started in 1998 and are still around today. Also, get this: Purity Balls are FEDERALLY FUNDED!!! That's right, you can thank the government for these awful, nauseating events that make girls believe that their only worth is their virginity.
Purity Balls should not exist and yet they do. Why? Because apparently girls are only worth something if they are virgins and also they apparently can't be trusted enough to stay virgins on their own.
I would like to personally thank my parents for never making me go to one of these.
Finally, Purity Balls: WHY?!?!? Just WHY?!?!?
What's sad to me is that these purity balls make me skeptical of any even that is especially for daddy's and daughters. They ruined everything!